Indoor Environmental Quality
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) has been a major issue since the energy crisis in the 1970s and has been attributed to annual productivity losses in the billions of dollars. Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has over 27 years of experience conducting IEQ assessments and has become very adept at finding the problem and providing solutions for IEQ issues. The preliminary IEQ assessment process typically involves:
- Complainant, management, and maintenance-personnel interviews;
- Building walk-through;
- Ventilation system evaluation; and
- Basic sampling for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, temperature, and relative humidity over multiple days.
Recommendations are made after the preliminary assessment, which typically results in improved IEQ. If specific issues are identified requiring further evaluation, then further sampling can be provided including the following issues:
Water Intrusion
If water or other liquid intrusion is noted, then Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., can evaluate the indoor environment for mold and bacteria contamination.
When odors are reported they typically involve solvent-like odors, sewer-like odors, or other unpleasant odors. Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has evaluated numerous spaces for sewer odors using a very sensitive direct-reading datalogging instrument set out for numerous days. Solvent odors are typically evaluated using an evacuated canister which is analyzed for a variety of volatile organic compounds. Other obnoxious odors that Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has assessed include those due to organic acids (putrid), organic amines (fishy), aldehydes, etc.
When occupants complain of excessive dusts, Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., evaluates the air for aerosols. The aerosols assessed include mold spores, pollens, skin cell fragments, toner particles, cellulosic fibers, fiberglass, insect parts, bird feather fibrils, etc. The aerosol analysis can lead to discovering unusual pollutant sources.
Irritating Materials
Irritating materials such as acid gases, ozone, etc., can also be assessed, if warranted.
Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has conducted lighting assessments when issues such as eye strain, headaches, and fatigue in open-cubicle areas or high-computer-use areas are reported.
Work stations can often impact worker perception of IEQ. Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has done ergonomic assessments to help correct these problems.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
LEED has been taking off over the last few years. Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has also been helping our clients achieve LEED certification as established by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), which is the nationally-accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. LEED programs can by utilized by:
- New Commercial Construction and Major Renovation Projects
- Existing Building Operations and Maintenance
- Commercial Interiors Projects
- Core and Shell Development Projects
- Homes
- Neighborhood Development
- Guidelines for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects
- LEED for Schools
- LEED for Retail
Walsh Certified Consultants, Inc., has provided services to assess building materials that have become contaminated, evaluated building materials for hazards related to their proposed reuse, and conducted indoor air sampling for acceptability before occupancy.